I created a fork of Slack’s go-audit here that generates human readable logs.

What is go-audit?

Go-audit is an open-source tool by Slack that transforms auditd events into JSON format. The JSON logs in their current form aren’t useful unless you have ETL to make them human readable. “What is auditd,” you ask? Auditd logs syscalls and provides context around them – such as when a process spawns a new process, makes a network connection, or accesses a file.

Here’s a sample event from go-audit for the creation of a process with the command line
tail go-audi.log

    "sequence": 461256,
    "timestamp": "1638049196.855",
    "messages": [
        "type": 1300,
        "data": "arch=c000003e syscall=59 success=yes exit=0 a0=7ffc016f3c30 a1=7f52a5e831b8 a2=560ae0b54c40 a3=8 items=3 ppid=82570 pid=683363 auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=pts3 ses=2 comm=\"tail\" exe=\"/usr/bin/tail\" subj==unconfined key=(null)"
        "type": 1309,
        "data": "argc=2 a0=\"tail\" a1=\"go-audit.log\""
        "type": 1307,
        "data": "cwd=\"/home/user/go-audit\""
        "type": 1302,
        "data": "item=0 name=\"/usr/bin/tail\" inode=1001091 dev=08:01 mode=0100755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL cap_fp=0 cap_fi=0 cap_fe=0 cap_fver=0 cap_frootid=0"
        "type": 1302,
        "data": "item=1 name=\"/usr/bin/tail\" inode=1001091 dev=08:01 mode=0100755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL cap_fp=0 cap_fi=0 cap_fe=0 cap_fver=0 cap_frootid=0"
        "type": 1302,
        "data": "item=2 name=\"/lib64/\" inode=918494 dev=08:01 mode=0100755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL cap_fp=0 cap_fi=0 cap_fe=0 cap_fver=0 cap_frootid=0"
        "type": 1327,
        "data": "proctitle=7461696C00676F2D61756469742E6C6F67"
    "uid_map": {
      "0": "root",
      "1000": "user"

Cool, but why does this matter?

So, as you can see in the sample above, each auditd event consists of multiple messages which go-audit stores in an array, nested in JSON. Each message may have its own string of key-value pairs. The JSON structured as-is makes the data easy to ingest but it is difficult to use this data without first transforming it into a more simplified structure. Other things about the structure that hinder immediate use of these logs are

  • some values are hex-encoded such as proctitle this sample above
  • each message may have key-value pairs that need parsing
    • Depending on the message type, additional transformation may be necessary after parsing certain key-value pairs
  • integers represent message and syscall types rather than descriptive strings

That is, if I want to ingest these logs as-is into Splunk, Datadog, or Devo and build detections based on them, hen there would be a bit of overhead to extract meaningful information from the logs and transform them such that they are easy to understand when reviewed. There is the Logstash filter that mwielgoszewski created which performs this ETL on go-audit logs, however, I could not find any similar implementations of this to do this ETL outside Logstash. So, I figured I would fork the go-audit repo and re-factor the code to do the extraction and transformation itself if an optional setting is specified. This directly produces readable logs from go-audit.

Shameless Plug

You can find my fork of go-audit at Here’s an example of what the transformed log looks like:

    "arch": "c000003e",
    "arch_name": "x86_64",
    "args": {
      "a0": "tail",
      "a1": "go-audit.log",
      "argc": "2"
    "auid": "1000",
    "bits": "64",
    "cap_fe": "0",
    "cap_fi": "0",
    "cap_fp": "0",
    "cap_frootid": "0",
    "cap_fver": "0",
    "comm": "tail",
    "cwd": "/home/user/go-audit",
    "dev": "08:01",
    "egid": "1000",
    "endianness": "little",
    "euid": "1000",
    "exe": "/usr/bin/tail",
    "exit": "0",
    "fsgid": "1000",
    "fsuid": "1000",
    "gid": "1000",
    "host": "kali-osed",
    "inode": "918494",
    "item": "2",
    "items": "3",
    "key": "(null)",
    "mode": "0100755",
    "name": "/lib64/",
    "nametype": "NORMAL",
    "ogid": "0",
    "ouid": "0",
    "pid": "683363",
    "ppid": "82570",
    "proctitle": "tail go-audit.log",
    "rdev": "00:00",
    "session": "2",
    "sgid": "1000",
    "success": "yes",
    "suid": "1000",
    "syscall": "59",
    "timestamp": "1638049196",
    "tty": "pts3",
    "type": "execve",
    "uid": "1000",
    "user": "user"

As I was writing this, I noticed there’s a bug that I need to squash :D.
Leave a comment if you can spot the bug!

By Shanief

Shanief is a seasoned cyber security professional, with over 8 years of diverse experience in enterprise intrusion detection, response and threat hunting.